CDU Open Book Publishing

Pressbooks Publishing Platform


PressbooksEDU is a simple book production platform that allows you to create your own book from scratch or adapt/remix existing Creative Commons materials. You can include activities, links to videos and annotation features. Books can be downloaded in a wide range of formats including web, e-book and PDF. It is used by educational institutions around the world as well as authors and publishers.


See what other CDU authors have created using Pressbooks.

View Catalogue

You can also browse other materials in the CDU Open Educational Resources (OER) Libguide.

What sort of resources could I create?

  • Targeted small textbooks to support your Learnline unit
  • Collections of open materials and/or research
  • Revision materials, including embedded activity questions and videos

How do I get started?

You will need the following:

  1. A clear purpose and audience for the book
  2. Material that is your own, or cleared to share with Creative Commons attribution
  3. Links to videos you may want include
  4. Links to other materials you may want to repurpose

Contact us

Once you have your checklist ready, please contact Digital Learning Design (DLD). We will set you up with access to the platform and provide some initial training.

Email DLD