Activity – Infographics 6: Designing an infographic for your data – Stress and motivation

[This section should take you around 25 minutes to complete]

Part A

  1. Open a new Excel workbook.
  2. Click the File tab and select Save As to save your document as Your Name TEP021 Infographics 6.xlsx in the Documents folder on your computer.
  3. Create a table that includes your weekly journal data.
  4. Create a line graph with the weeks on the x-axis and the score on the y-axis.
  5. The line graph should show the weekly trend for all three values that you have been recording (stress, time management & motivation).
  6. Make sure that the line graph has clear X and Y axis labels as well as a legend.
  7. Make sure that the chart background has no colour background and that the data table does not split across 2 pages in the Page Layout view.
  8. Add a header with your name and student number on the left and the current date on the right.
  9. Add a footer with the activity name and number on the left and the page number on the right.
  10. Save your workbook.

Part B

  1. Start a new Word document.
  2. Type Activity Infographics 6 at the top of the page and press the Enter key twice.
  3. Click the File tab and select Save As to save your document as Your Name TEP021 Infographics 6.doc in the Documents folder on your computer.
  4. Copy and paste the table into your Word document.
  5. Copy and paste the graph into your Word document.
  6. Add a suitable title for the both the table and graph.
  7. Add a header with your name and student number on the left, and the date on the right.
  8. Add a footer with the unit code and activity name and number on the left, and a page number on the right.
  9. Save and close your Word file.
  10. Save and close your workbook.
  11. Upload the completed Word and Excel activity documents to the TEP021 Activities folder on OneDrive.


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