Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

One of the essential features of Excel is to perform calculations. Even if you’re only using Excel to keep lists, you may have numbers on which you’d like to perform some calculations, for example, finding the total or average of a list. Excel provides many powerful tools to save you time and effort.

In Excel, you can perform calculations in two main ways:

  • By using a formula. A formula is a custom calculation that you create.
  • By using a function. A function is a pre-set formula that performs a standard calculation. For example, when you need to add several values together, you use the SUM() function.

Note that Excel calculates all mathematical equations according to the Order of Operations rules, otherwise known as BEDMAS, which you will also use in TEP023 Foundation Maths. BODMAS stands for Brackets Exponentials, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction. This is the sequence for which calculations are undertaken in an equation, working from left to right.

If you are unsure about how BEDMAS works and would like to see an example, use the link below to watch an example from Foundation Maths:


When you need to perform a custom calculation in a cell, use a formula rather than a function. All you need to do is type in a formula using the appropriate calculation operators.

Some of the common operators are:














=A1/4 (the value in A1 is divided by 4)



=B1^2 (Raise the value in cell B2 to the power of 2)

Formulas can include numbers and/or cell references, for example:

= (A1+C4)*5

This formula is saying: add the value in cell A1 to the value in cell C4 first and then multiply the answer by 5.

image All formulas begin with an equal sign (=), which enables Excel to distinguish them from text or a number.


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