2.1 Emergency contacts
CDU Emergency Contacts
CDU Security
Extension 7777 (internal) or 08 8946 7777
Senior Manager Safety Emergency and Wellbeing
Tel: extension 6164 (internal) or 08 8946 6164
College Manager – College of Engineering, IT and Environment
Tel: extension 6550 (internal) or 08 8946 6550
Technical Services – Area Leader – Engineering
Tel: extension 6368 (internal) or 08 8946 6368
External Emergency Contacts
Police Fire and Ambulance (Australia-wide Emergency Number): 000 or 112 (from a mobile)
Police (non-life threatening)
Casuarina Police Station: 08 8999 0800
Nightcliff Police Station: 08 8948 9111
Darwin Police Station: 08 8901 0200
Darwin Royal Hospital: 08 8922 8888
Darwin Private Hospital: 08 8920 6011
SafeZone App
SafeZone is an emergency response management smartphone application that helps your security and safety teams respond to incidents and emergencies in real time. SafeZone also supports mass communications; enterprise safety protocols and enables people to quickly summon help using their smartphone.