
61 Growth Cycles: Evergreen or Deciduous?

This discussion of plant life cycles leads naturally to a discussion of growth cycles.


Growth Cycles – Evergreen vs Deciduous


illustration of tree with green leaves, then brown, then leaves falling off tree

Deciduous plants

A tree, shrub, or other plant that completely loses its foliage for part of the year, usually at the end of a growing season, is a deciduous plant/tree. In northern Australia, this is during the dry season.

Example: “Deciduous frangipani”

image of deciduous frangipani
Plumeria rubra






Evergreen plants

A tree, shrub, or other plant having foliage that persists throughout the year is an evergreen plant/tree.

Example: “Evergreen frangipani”

Evergreen frangipani
Plumeria obtusa


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