
43 Leaf Venation

Leaf venation refers to the patterns the veins follow in the leaf – parallel, netted or obscure.

drawing of leaf venations

In some cases, you will need to look at the very small veins that run between the main veins in order to identify the type of venation.

drawing of parallel fine veins vs reticulate fine veins

Venation patterns within the finer veins:

1st example has parallel main veins and fine veins;

2nd example has netted main veins and fine veins.

This is not always the case and can be used to help identify different wattles (Acacias)

Source: Brennan K (2007) p.9

More complex leaf venation

Leaf veins become more complex as plants do. (Check the KEW plant glossary for more information.)
xray images of more complex venation in leaves


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