50 Parts of the Flower
You need to have some knowledge of flower parts in order to identify some plants.
When examining a flower you should work from the outside to the inside. 

There are often four layers or parts:
Sepals-They cover the bud and protect the flower. Often green but may be coloured.
- Petals-They are often large and colourful to attract pollinators.
- Stamens-Male sex organs of flowers. They are made up of anthers (pollen bearing) and filaments (hold up the anther).
- Pistils-Female sex organs of flowers. They consist of the stigma (becomes sticky to receive pollen), the style(raises the stigma up), and the ovary (contains the eggs/ovules that later form seeds).
- Receptacle-Where the sepals, petals, stamens and pistil are all connected, at the tip of the flowering stem.
The number, size and colour of all these parts is important for identification.
Note: When the petals and sepals are hard to distinguish from each other they are called tepals.