
Project Proposal

11 Risks

Tony Allan

This chapter aligns with Part 8 of Assignment 1.

“Risk is a set of events that, should they occur, will influence the achieving the project objectives.” Another definition is: “Risk is an uncertain event that, if it occurs, will have a positive or negative effect on a project objective.” Projects are typically full of uncertainty. This makes projects inherently risky.

In Part 8 of your Assignment 1 you are to start developing a risk profile for the project. This assignment simplistically requires you to identify five major risks and explain how you plan to manage those risks.

The following links (also provided to you earlier) contain information that will help you to describe identified risks and explain how you plan to respond.

Analysing Risk: https://www.justgetpmp.com/2012/02/probability-and-impact-matrix.html

Responding to risks: https://www.greycampus.com/opencampus/project-management-professional/plan-risk-responses


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