
Your story as part of a new Dreamtime story

You will now have all the elements you need to put together your own story. This will include recognising yourself, your country and your own values around your work and your life.

This story will help you navigate your career in STEM and should be put together in a way that has meaning to you.  You can add colour, background imagery, or whatever you feel will link all your story together.

You may choose to keep this in a digital format using a mind mapping tools or pasting elements on to page.  Or you may like to create a vision board which you can hang somewhere as inspiration.

These will form the Dreamtime story of learning at CDU. What are the places you will go, the skills you will need and the resources you will gather to help your journey. You will develop the story in a way that it applies for all time, for you now and in your future, as a guide and a memory of where you want to go and what you want to do.

Just like the Dreamtime stories help people still navigate the country, share the management of the land and govern the people in a sharing and collaborative way. So you can develop your story with your peers to make a Dreamtime story about what you want your future to be and how you will achieve that.  Don’t forget to include all the challenges you will face on the way.

Explore some Aboriginal artworks and dreamtime stories here:

Stories: Kakadu National Park

During the Creation Time, the creation ancestors travelled across the landscape. Some creation ancestors are still active today.

“All things in the landscape were left by the creation ancestors. They taught Aboriginal people how to live with the land. From then on Aboriginal people became keepers of their country.”

— Warradjan Aboriginal Cultural Centre



Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories


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